What Our Chefs Bring to the Table

When it comes to dining at ClarkLindsey Village, you’ll savor the tempting array of choices. Far from your typical retirement home food, our chefs pride themselves on their gourmet creations. The Village Coffee Cafe is a great morning social spot featuring complimentary coffee and a reasonably priced continental breakfast buffet, plus a full breakfast meal. Our casual lunch menu offers dining room seating or on-the-go options to suit your active lifestyle. For dinner, share lively conversation with friends in our restaurant-style dining room. Our culinary chef prepares the evening entrées with special features each night. Our daily selections go far beyond the typical senior living menu, including healthy options like seafood and salads. Your guests are welcome to join you for dinner, too! You can plan a party with friends or family and have ClarkLindsey cater the event in one of our private dining rooms or in your home.

pasta dish

Flexible Dining Options

We know that many of our residents prefer to cook some meals at home in their fully equipped kitchen. That’s why we provide meals through a flexible dining plan. Whether you’re a serious chef or the occasional baker, you can prepare your own meals or leave the cooking to us as you please.

Sample of Menu

Take a look at a sample week of what we have on our menu. So many delicious options for a broad range of taste buds including vegan and vegetarian options!

assorted cheese

What’s Cooking Like at ClarkLindsey

Explore our seasonal newsletter and get a taste of our uniquely delicious dining program. Get bite-sized information about favorite culinary events, special holiday meals, holidays, upcoming cooking demos and nutritional tips. Read profiles of our kitchen staff and find out what really goes on behind the scenes in the Dining Services Department.

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